What a discovery in May 2019. A week on the road by bike and hiking on the island of Rügen. As always traveling their by train and then visiting the nature and tree highlights of the island. And if one thinks, after 20 years and numerous visits and vacations, you would have already looked for, found, seen and discovered every remarkable tree, then this. Just driving a village street to the end and still a little further, there he stood, this enormous walnut tree. According to the Champion Trees of the German Dendrolgic Society the strongest known and reported there of its kind in Germany. Of course, one can never exclude that there is a stronger one lying dormant somewhere, waiting to be discovered or published, BUT we are very sure, no other will reach its size here. We love him! and we have to go back soon and rest in his shadow in the summer.
Location: Tilzow on the island of Rügen
County: Vorpommern-Rügen.
Site: West of the village, extension of the village road to the west, at a meadow.
Monument of nature: No.
Speciea: Common walnut, Juglans regia.
Visited in the year: 2019.
Girth in may 2019: 500 cm measured in 0,30 m height.
Alter: Ca. 100-150 Jahre.
GPS-Coordinates: 54.387910, 13.412057.
Gnarly and massive (2019).
Was für eine Größe!What a size!
With a little right twist (2019).
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